Chromatte Reflecmedia System
The Chromatte Chroma key system is a great way to create chroma key video (or stills) in a tight space. It is fast, easy, and convenient and very flexible: a simple solution to a complex problem!
You’ve heard the statement “light travels in a straight line”. This is the basis for this system.
There are 2 major components to the system – a screen with hundreds of thousands of microscopic glass beads, and a ring light the fits around most lenses (B-4 and 35 MM style). The ring light has a series of green LEDs around its rim.
The screen’s microscopic glass beads act as a mirror to the LED light and reflect it straight back to the lens – and only in that one singular direction. To relate, you most probably have seen highway signs that light up when you turn up you high beams at night and license plates that reflect light back quite brightly when your headlights are shining on them. This system works on that same principle.
A major convenience of this system is that you can set up in a small space and are not required to light the screen with anything but the LED ring light. One sets up the screen and ring light (setting the adjustable brightness to reflect 40 to 60%). Next you light the person/subject normally, ensuring that you have sufficient backlight as to have a subtle rim light on the subject. Light that is not in line with the lens (the green is the only light that would be there anyway) will not show up at all.
Once this is achieved, you shoot and subsequently in post, key the green out and lay the subject onto your desired background.
The set up on this system is quick and very easy and it will work most anywhere.
The “magic” lies in the fact that there is no need to light the screen with the uniform light normally necessary, as the LED ring light accomplishes that task.
This kit comes with a 10 x 10 foot screen, a backdrop holding system, 3 C-stands with Double Gobo arms, 3 sandbags and an LED/TOTA 3 light kit as well as the ring light (with several adapter rings) and dimmer.
The daily rental price is $250.00.
If you would like to explore this system and try it out, please call us to arrange a demo, or a free trial.
For more, check out Philip Bloom’s review here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WlSFYlNW7e0